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To document, study, preserve, celebrate and perpetuate all elements of the Czech Catholic faith transplanted to Texas by immigrants from the Czech lands; and to strengthen ties with Czech Catholics of the ancestral homeland evangelized by SS Cyril and Methodius.
The Czech Catholic Foundation of Texas was established and recognized by the IRS Code under Section 501(c)(3) in 2018 as a non-profit organization. All donations and gifts are tax deductible, as allowed by the IRS Code.
Click on "Join Us!" (left menu) for the membership request form and for information about the Saints Cyril and Methodius Endowment Fund.
~Fr. Paul Chovanec, Chaplain/Director, Houston
~Fr. Stephen Nesrsta, Chaplain/Director, Jarrell
~Fr. Elias Rafaj, Chaplain/Director, Houston
~Michael Jaška, President/Chairman
~Carol Filer, Secretary/Director, Austin
~Joseph L. Peters, Treasurer/Director, El Campo
~Steve Vrána, Director, Nassau Bay
~Clarice Mařik Snokhous, Director, Houston
~Edwin C. Mařík, Director, East Bernard
~Clay Zápalač, Director, Richmond
~KJZT Family Life, Austin — Represented by Betty Vacek
~Czech Catholic Union of Texas, the KJT, LaGrange — represented by Michael Rezniček
Promote the celebration of the liturgical feasts of the Czech Saints honored in the Roman Missal especially in parishes founded by Czech immigrants.
Promote the celebration of the religious customs practiced by Czech immigrants to Texas and their early descendants.
Promote the designation of a place of pilgrimage in Texas which honors SS. Cyril and Methodius, the “Apostles to the Slavs” and “Our Fathers in Faith” (Otcové naše); and the Czech. immigrants and their early successors.
Provide grants to Texas Catholic youth leaders to visit their counterparts in the Czech Republic and to evangelize one another in the Czech Republic and in Texas.
Provide grants, if needed, to continue the annual visits of newly ordained transitional Czech deacons to Texas in the program established by Rev. Stephen Nesrsta.
Provide grants for the translation of Czech religious writings into English and publishing them.
Provide scholarships for Texas college students who commit to studying Czech Catholicism’s sacred music, liturgy, history, and literature and their use by the Czech immigrants and their descendants, and to sharing their knowledge with Texas Czech Catholics